On the steps of the Swedish Parliament, a young girl sits and looks at the stars while the world watches. On the other side of the world another young girl, Izzy, is caught between a firestorm and a media storm – both of which threaten everything she knows.
Set against the 2020 Black Summer fires, this collaborative theatre project between Jopuka Productions (NSW) and SAYarts is Set against the backdrop of the 2020 Black Summer bushfires that shocked the world. Drawing from the experiences of young Australians we present a story that speaks to the anger, the confusion, and the idea of hope that our young people are living with.
Directed by Tamara Lee Collins, written by Joshua Maxwell (from Jopuka) with ensemble-specific rewrites by Alan Grace. Assistant Director Harry Ollerenshaw. Original music (We’re better than this) by Marianna de Tullio. Set design by Katherine Cooper. Photography by Patrick Nash.
“…there are many funny moments. There is constant banter between the Earth and the Moon, and Preston Fernandez as Jace in particular stands out, his delivery of his sarcastic one-liners is smooth.” Natalie Carfora
“The youth shall inherit the earth and increasingly, they are not meek, but informed, finding voice and expressing their view. …with terrific set design and production … the show is tightly directed by Tamara Lee Collins” Craig Cook, Adelaide Now